Mixtures of asphalt and aggregates are used to build flexible, structured pavements. Accounting for approximately 95% of the weight of the mixtures, the aggregates are selected for sufficient hardness, shape, angularity and size gradation to give the strong structure that supports repeated loading from traffic. The asphalt is the binder that holds the aggregate together. Asphalt’s viscoelastic and adhesive properties allow the pavement to durably flex under traffic to prevent cracking of the mat and raveling of the aggregates. Its waterproofing properties protect the road base structure from deterioration by moisture. At Insta ProPatch, we design our asphalt mixes to have just the right amounts of asphalt, aggregate and air voids to have the strength and flexibility to withstand rutting, cracking and moisture damage. Our years of experience help us to decide which new technologies are useful in improving your satisfaction in the performance of our materials and construction. We use state-of-the-art, well-maintained equipment in our plants and job sites. We use high performance materials, additives and paving techniques for the most demanding roadways, and innovative solutions for safe, asphalted surfaces on rural roads.
Insta ProPatch Cold Mix was formed in 2008 with the goal of harnessing the strengths and capabilities of our individual member companies and their employees within one unified organization.
We are based in Gauteng province,south of Johannesburg.Insta ProPatch supplies all provinces in South Africa with our high performance cold mix asphalt ready mix.
Insta ProPatch offers permanent solution to road repairs.Our product is used all over national wide for public works projects and private sector.
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We supply to individuals,private companies,municipalities andpublic works in bulk and single bags.
© Copyright Insta ProPatch Coldmix Asphalt